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Volocity 7

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To get to that next important insight, you need to go where your biology leads you. The challenge is that biology lives in three dimensions. How can you know the shape of a structure unless you view it from every direction? How can you know its size unless you measure the volume? How can you tell whether two structures are close together or intertwined unless you can see both completely and from every angle? Volocity 3D Image Analysis Software enables you to make discoveries and answer complex questions that are beyond the limitations of 2D.

Volocity®  is a family of integrated software products that can be used independently or combined to provide a full suite of tools for 3D image acquisition, volume visualization, restoration, publication, and object measurement, tracking and charting.  These tools are coordinated through Volocity’s unique Library format, which acts as a user-friendly image database for raw and quantified images. The user-friendly interface makes the powerful set of imaging tools in Volocity simple to find and use, upholding its strong focus on a clear graphical user interface and ease of use.